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Benedict (Benoît) F. -
Directeur général de transition
Directeur Commercial / Marketing / Communication
Directeur de projet
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Directeur général de transition -
Directeur Commercial / Marketing / Communication -
Directeur de projet
Disponible à partir de Septembre 2024
Lieu de vie Ile-de-france
Mobilité Internationale
Tarifs/jour de 1001€ à 1251€
Découvrez ce manager
Benedict Forndran, international CEO/COO in media, eventing and project management
My name is Dr Benedict , I’m Franco-German and I have 20 years’ experience in international B2B business development and 7 years as CEO of 2 SMEs in Germany.
Today I want to combine my mayor experiences as interim manager of a 50 to 100 people Business Unit in a Franco-German and international environment. I particularly focus on B2B services, consulting, media and culture, sports and eventing as well as any structure with an urgent need of bicultural management.
My Key assets are my competences in Change Management, collaborative Staff Management and international B2B Business Development.
• First, I manage the needed changes focussing on an offer repositioning and process optimisation. 2011 to 2015 I put in place a sustainable business model at the race track of Baden-Baden. With 50 employees and 8M€ budget, I increase the revenues by 500 K€, amongst others through new sponsorships like Longines, and I reduce the costs by another 500 K€.
• Second, I unify my team around the new vision. I give sense, for instance by building the budget together with the employees and I increase their autonomy by giving project responsibility. The drawing my team has ordered especially from an artist showing all of us has been my greatest reward when I left in 2015.
• Finally, I develop international B2B business and partnerships. My most impressive success is the evolution of the PMU partnership in Germany. I put the project in place in 2002 and in 2012 we reach 250 M€ betting turnover on French races.
• My basic skill is the fast collection of information from the people who know, getting a structured 360° vision which I transform in concrete actions – as well in business development as in management tasks.
June 2017, I come back to France with the wish to unify all these assets in a mission of structuring operative B2B processes and generating first international partnerships for Exalt Racing, the new IoT service of Groupe Paris Turf.
Today I'm mentoring some start-ups in AI and betting & gambling environment on their journey to international markets.
Agile, dynamic and mobile, I'm curious about what we can do together.
Best regards
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Curriculum vitae
02/11 - 09/15
CEO Baden Racing
Baden Racing - Hôtellerie / Tourisme
Retournement du plus grand hippodrome d'Allemagne (Budget 7 Mio EUR). Mise en place business model pérene, partenariats, optimisation de process etc. CA + 500 K€, coûts - 500 K€
10/15 - 05/17
CEO Deutscher Sportverlag
DSV Deutscher Sportverlag - Audiovisuel / Média / Presse
Dititalisation d'une maison d'édition de quotidiens sportifs - Mobile first, B2B, bases de données etc.
05/17 - 02/18
Exalt Racing - structure et Business International
Paris Turf - Audiovisuel / Média / Presse
Structuration de l'offre et de la BU Exalt - offre de IoT pour les courses hippiques et le Sport.
Organisation de tests et démos à l'international: Istanbul, Cologne, Victoria Racing.
06/19 - 12/19
Intuvation - Conseil
Accompagnement d'Intuvation, prestataire allemand de lotteries, à l'international.
Mise en relation avec FdJ, Veikkaus, Lotterie Romande.
Traduction des documents en francais et anglais.
01/19 - 11/19
get Klap international
Klap - Communication / Web
Accompagnement de la start-up Klap dans le référenecement auprès de clients potentiels:
Turkisk Jockey Club, ATG, Norsk Rikstoto, Paris Turf, Pixellot, etc.
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Doctorat d'état
Niveau I (Masters, Doctorat, Diplôme Grandes écoles) - Université Bonn
Cadre Export
Niveau II (Licence, Maîtrise, Bac+4) - Negocia
Consultant SAP Fi/Co
Certification - Siemens Schulungscenter
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Sélectionnez les langues que vous maîtrisez
Benedict (Benoît) F.
Directeur général de transition -
Directeur Commercial / Marketing / Communication -
Directeur de projet
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